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Career Coaching for ADHDers


Make career choices you trust

(free from ADHD shame, overwhelm and paralysis)

and with a sprinkling of playful exploration, because let’s face it - that’s what us ADHDers do best


 You have a FIRE inside you saying you’re made for more

And an adult ADHD diagnosis has your brain exploding with possibilities for what’s next in your career or business

Sound like you?

🔥 You want to make a change but you’re worried you’ll make the wrong choice and get bored (again!)

🔥 You want to know if your job is the problem, or if ADHD is the problem, and how to ‘fix’ what isn’t working

🔥You want to work out your career plan, but the idea of setting more SMART goals makes you want to chew your own head off

🔥You want to finally start a side business (or full business!) but you’re crushed by indecision of how to start

What if you could trust yourself enough to make a career choice that suits you and your ADHD brain?

AND unleash your inner sparky potential without feeling bad about yourself?

(Yes, it is possible 😏)

Certified Coach Rachel Walker smiling

Hi, I’m Rach.

I’m an ICF accredited Associate Certified Coach, and I have inattentive type ADHD.

After starting my career as an infant school teacher, then spending 5 years hopping between corporate learning and development roles, I finally achieved my dream in 2020 - starting my coaching business.

But it was HARD. I struggled with overwhelm, decision paralysis and wildly inconsistent motivation. And after hitting rock bottom, I hired a Coach to help me get to the root of the problem...

I just didn’t believe I was someone that could do… stuff. I doubted every decision I made.

A diagnosis of ADHD in 2022 changed everything. I let go of all the ways I thought my work should look and shaped it to complement my ADHD brain (and spirit!)

And I’m here to help you do the same.


Client Words

"After a year of therapy, trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted from life, I felt like I was going round in circles. I was close to just accepting and settling for how things were... but then I met Rachel!! And all I can say is wow!

In such a short space of time I have been able to make so many decisions that I know are right for ME and taken so many positive actions and steps forward than I had ever expected to and that’s all down to the support, coaching and guidance from Rachel. I am now so excited and positive about what that the future holds. " - S


Choose Your Coaching Quest

You can work with me two ways…..


Quest 1: Chaos to Clarity

A 3 month coaching partnership that helps you:

  • Get clarity on what motivates, excites and matters to you in your career or business

  • Understand how ADHD impacts your work life (for better and worse) and what to do about it

  • Prioritise where to start in the universe of all of your ideas and start taking action!


  • 6 one-to-one Coaching sessions over video call

  • Choose the frequency of your sessions within a 3 month period

  • Includes everything listed under ‘what’s included’ below

  • Investment: £960 (monthly payments available)

Quest 2: Turmoil to Trust

A 6 month coaching partnership that helps you:

  • Feel you can approach your career or business with ease, joy and possibility rather than shame, perfectionism and overwhelm

  • Get clarity on what you want next for your career and be supported as you take action, learn, pivot and evolve

  • Understand how you and your ADHD helps and hinders your working life and how to flex your style to your advantage


  • 12 one-to-one Coaching sessions over video call

  • Choose the frequency of your sessions within a 6 month period

  • Includes everything listed under ‘what’s included’ below

  • Investment: £1800 (monthly payments available)


What’s included

Whichever Coaching Quest we decide best suits your wants, needs and desires, you’ll get the following…


Coaching Sessions

1:1 Coaching Sessions over Video call

A space where you’re championed to be your whole self, free from judgement or expectation and supported by someone who truly understands the ADHD experience

Discovery Activities

Self reflection exercises to complete between sessions so we can maximise your insights and progress (we’ll curate which of these best suit you)

A Virtual Whiteboard Space

We’ll visualise your plans on a shared virtual whiteboard to help us prioritise what we’re focusing on and how we’ll tackle it.

We’ll also record your insights and wins on there, because a) It’s fun! b) It’s a helpful reminder in moments of overwhelm and doubt


Client Words

"One of my biggests Aha! moments working with Rachel has been learning that I can create the way I do business however I want, in whatever way supports my ADHD brain.”

“Coaching with Rachel has helped me understand how my ADHD might trip me up or affect my workflow, ways to work with my brain rather than against it, and has supported my journey in discovering my priorities and the best way to work towards my goals in a sustainable way. - Barbara Williams


I do things differently around here

Not to toot my own trumpet (but if I don’t, who will?) - Coaching with me is different to a lot of ADHD Coaching or Life/ Career Coaching you’ll find.

Here’s some examples…


We don’t set goals.

We set quests (and mini-quests).

Because I already know how shame-loaded the word ‘goals’ is for you.

And because goals are a weird concept!

What we’ll discover on the way, is much more important than reaching your ‘goal’ destination.


We don’t agree actions.

We agree experiments.

This is about deciding what might work, trying it, learning from it, tweaking it and honing it.

There’s no perfect solution and experiments let us play with what works best.

Also it’s more fun. And we both know that the more novel and exciting it sounds, the more likely you’ll wanna do it.


We don’t measure success.

We create your internal compass.

Metrics are messy for us perfectionist prone types.

We get fixated on the number and side tracked from what really matters to us.

Instead we develop your ability to tell what progress looks like and feels like for you, so you can validate yourself.


Client Words

“I was told by a therapist that I should come back when I have clear problems to solve. I was embarrassed and felt silly for seeking help. But deep down I knew something wasn’t right and wasn’t working… Over the weeks the issues I was having came to the surface (saying yes to too many things, black and white thinking and perfectionism) and we were able to work through those things. Whether you know what your challenges are or even if you don’t, booking with Rachel is a great way to get you back on track!” - Liz


 I get it. It’s really hard to trust yourself when you’ve gone undiagnosed for so long.

But seen as you’ve made it this far down the page, my guess is you know something needs to change.

You may be asking ‘how can I trust you to help me make this change?’ or ‘how can I trust MYSELF to make this decision to work with you?’

Try this:

  • Read more about me, my experiences and credentials here

  • Watch my Youtube videos to get a feel for whether I’m the right ‘vibe’ for you

  • Book a call with me to explore what’s possible (no obligations or pressure)