How do I know if my relationship doubts are serious?

You already know.

The end. 😆

… For real though, I want to start by clearing one thing up.

I don’t know if your relationship doubts are serious.

I don’t know, just like your friends don’t know, your parents don’t know, your neighbour doesn’t know. Also the author of that ‘7 relationship doubts you SHOULD NOT ignore’ blog? They don’t know either. Just like that stranger on the relationship subreddit thread doesn’t know.

But YOU know, you just haven’t figured it out yet… and that’s okay.

It’s sooo damn hard. Everyone’s got an opinion. Sometimes the doubts are there. Sometimes they’re not. Everything seems fine, but then sometimes it isn’t. Is it me? Is it them? Is it our circumstances?

Either way you’re twisted up in this doubting place and you’re pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what that to do about it.

But you do.

I’ve been like you. Not trusting myself. Thinking that my doubts were just a ‘grass is greener’ wanderlust. Worried I’d regret my decision. Wondering if there even needed to be a decision!? Being so sure, and then so utterly confused. Thinking that feelings had no place in decision making. Exhausting myself reading blogs, rationalising, getting opinions. Wondering what the heck was wrong with me.

The hard truth is, if you’re in a real place of doubt about whether to stay or leave, there’s no quick fix if you’re not in tune with yourself.

There’s no way to know if your relationship doubts are serious and find trust in that, if you don’t know or trust yourself to begin with.

How can Whole Person Coaching® help?

Whole Person Coaching is a holistic coaching method. At it’s core is the belief that when you come to know, embrace and express all aspects of your whole self, you are positioned to thrive across all areas of your life, for the rest of your life. It helps you access the depth and breadth of who you are, and provides a space for you to discover and grow your self awareness and self trust.

This is all very well and good, but I’m still wondering if my relationship doubts are serious… Where do I start!?

I can’t answer that question for you, but I can help you to uncover that wisdom in yourself.

Where to start…

  1. Understand what’s in your head and heart when it comes to your relationship doubts.

  2. Accept your doubt is there, rather than fighting it! (This is essential for moving forwards).

  3. Identify your external influences and how they’ve merged into your internal world, becoming ‘shoulds’ about your relationship and clouding your connection with yourself.

Come discover for yourself in my free 5 day course, Delve into Doubt.

  • Build the foundations of clarity and self-trust

  • Invest 30 mins each day in yourself. Includes a 3 min video introduction, and a self-coaching exercise.

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