First 30 Days of Concerta XL

Welcome to the world of Rachel Walker, the home of playful approaches to self-development when you have ADHD. I'm Rachel, and this is a written version of the first in my ADHD Diaries series that I posted over on YouTube. Diagnosed in September 2022 with inattentive type ADHD at the age of 30, I’m here to share my experiences with Concerta XL, a type of methylphenidate stimulant medication. This post covers the first 30 days of my journey, detailing the highs, lows, and everything in between.

Day 1: Starting Concerta XL

I started on a low dose of 18 milligrams of Concerta XL for the first week. This initial period was challenging and brought on feelings of imposter syndrome and doubt about my diagnosis. However, once my psychiatrist increased the dosage to 36 milligrams, the changes were profound. The cloud lifted, and I began experiencing a sense of ease and clarity.

The Emotional Roller Coaster

Taking Concerta XL brought about a range of emotions. On my first day with the higher dose, I cried tears of relief. For the first time, I felt a sense of ease when looking at my day ahead. Tasks that once seemed insurmountable became manageable. The constant mental resistance and tension were replaced by a feeling of calm and capability.

Medication Impact on Daily Life

As I navigated my days, the effects of the medication became more apparent. Simple tasks no longer felt like monumental challenges. I could look at my to-do list and approach each task with a clear, calm mind. This newfound ease extended to both work and personal life, significantly improving my overall productivity and mood.

Balancing Medications

On some days, I also took Citalopram for premenstrual syndrome-related anxiety and depression. Balancing both medications was tricky, and it sometimes left me feeling physically hungry but nauseated at the thought of food. However, understanding the interplay between these medications and my body was crucial for managing my symptoms effectively.

Revelations and Reflections

One major revelation was how much mental effort I had previously spent just trying to get through the day. I hadn’t realized how difficult everything was until it became easier. Simple tasks like handling household chores or running errands became almost effortless, which was a profound change for me.

Understanding ADHD

Through webinars and research, I learned that one of the fundamental issues with ADHD is the brain's inability to inhibit unnecessary stimuli. This realization helped me understand my previous struggles with focus and motivation. Medication helped bridge this gap, allowing me to maintain concentration and accomplish tasks more efficiently.

The Impact of Exercise and Routine

Without medication, I found that staying active and maintaining a routine were vital. Exercise and physical activity became essential tools for managing my symptoms on days when I wasn't medicated. This approach helped mitigate some of the restless, unfocused feelings that characterized my unmedicated state.

Embracing the New Normal

As I continued my journey, I came to terms with the need for medication. Comparing it to taking statins for blood pressure helped me accept it as a necessary part of maintaining my mental health. Over time, I noticed other long-term benefits, like the disappearance of my irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

Looking Ahead

This journey has been life-changing, and I'm eager to continue sharing my experiences. If you’re interested in hearing more about how Concerta XL has impacted other aspects of my life, like my IBS, or have specific questions, please let me know in the comments below. or get in touch with me directly in my capacity as an ADHD coach! Your feedback and support are invaluable as I navigate this new chapter.

Fancy hearing about my reflections on these 30 days now that I am well over a year on medication? I’ve got that video on my YouTube channel right here for ya!