I wrestled the consistency beast and won (kind of!)

Last month I shared a tirade against ‘consistency’ in the below Youtube video. I vowed to prioritise commitment to my goal (and the many forms that takes), rather than overly structuring what my input and output should look like. It went really well…

Winner winner chicken dinner

Approaching January like this freed up mental space for me to do what I felt most compelled to, and what was most needed, each day. January was honestly one of my most productive, rewarding and satisfying working months to date.

Or not?

And yet this morning I have spent over 2 hours journaling and mind mapping my way through this problem…

“I should create a video this week because I only did 2 last month so I’m falling behind.”

Falling behind? My one rule was there are no rules!!


The voice of the consistency beast runs deep. And it’s a pain in the arse. But it does have value.

It reminds me to check that I’m not avoiding doing something important to me and my business, because I’d rather be off doing something new and shiny.

But that’s not what happened last month. The mental space that was freed by not feeling stuck to fulfilling a schedule, allowed me to:

  • Make huge mental progress on how I work with my coaching clients, revamping my offerings on my website

  • Finish creating online course content (and enjoying doing it!)

  • Create and run a session on Goals & ADHD

  • Have wonderful quality time with a friend without feeling guilty for taking time off

And yet, “I only released 2 videos.”

Re-wiring years of feeling like you’re not consistent enough and you just need to be different is A LOT. But every small action is contributing to a more freer, self-trusting you.

Top tips for tackling the ‘you haven’t been consistent enough’ BEAST:

  • Record everything you do. In a notebook or in your phones notes app, wherever’s easy. Do a quick dump at the end of each day. It’s a lot easier to tackle the voice of not enoughness, when you have an actual record. EVIDENCE.

  • Include mental tasks in your records. Decisions you’ve made. Epiphanies you’ve had. One week I didn’t create a Youtube video, but I had a massive realisation about the future direction of my business. That is hugely important but because there’s no tangible output, it’s easy to dismiss. Write it down.

  • Ask yourself ‘Why?’. Why is it important that you do this thing regularly? Are there any other ways you can achieve that same output or feeling by doing something else?

  • When the beast of consistency comes to criticise you, go do something else. Walk, run, dance wildly, watch a funny show, look at a cloud. Find some joy. Do the thing that helps you remember there’s more beyond ‘doing that thing consistently.’

  • Remember: You are not a human doing, you are a human being.

In other news…

Things I’m currently obsessed with:

Ted Lasso. Late to the party on this one but MY GOODNESS. It’s just knocked Crazy Ex-Girlfriend off the top spot of my favourite show of all time. And I think I’ve now watched Brett Goldstein’s entire back catalogue. Including listening to Films to be Buried With (which now accompanies me during all chores).
I have 3 client spots available to start this month and I’m now supporting people in 2 ways:

  1. ADHD Mentoring & Coaching - for those of you looking for quick fire support to get your shit together

  2. ADHD Transformation Coaching - a 12 week programme ‘Unleashing You’. For those of you ready to dig deep into understanding how you can create a future that makes the best of your sparky, zesty self, and start making it happen!

All info is in the above links and if you’re interested you can book a 25 min chat to talk about what you’re looking for and how I could help. Huzzah!

Here’s a photo of the pigeon that’s been coo-ing the whole time I was writing that: