Posts in Expectations
Is it normal these are my relationship dealbreakers? Part 1 With Cat, Eillie & Hannah #18

Do you know what your dealbreakers are in a relationship? You know, those hard lines that make you think ‘I’m out of here’. Because while they might feel strange, everyone has at least one, and it’s one of the reasons we spend time seeking out a partner with the same life goals as us. In today’s episode, I talk all about dealbreakers, what they look like, and why understanding yours can be a really good thing!

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7 ways to handle having ZERO willpower when you’re a perfectionist

Imagine combining someone with completely unrealistic expectations, someone who is highly critical, and someone who’ll do anything to avoid the negative emotion that failure brings. Then assign them a group leader who lives completely in the present, with no ability to anticipate future benefits, and make them work together to navigate through a maze which has no final destination.

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